Friday, April 8, 2011

And The Journey Continues...

Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. They're what make the instrument stretch--what makes you go beyond the norm.   --- David L Boren

I have managed to get in quite a bit of training this past week, which leads us to this coming Sunday... LoneStar 70.3, version 2. I want to think I am better prepared for this race than I was last year. I have challenged myself to better the time by 30 minutes. That might be overdoing it a bit, but a goal is a goal. The bad news is that they expect it to be fairly windy this time around.

So in the last couple of weeks, I did the Rosedale Ride, the Spokes and Spurs, a half-iron distance ride with an Ironman Texas trainee, a few runs, and a lot of swimming. 

The rides have gone pretty well, good workouts considering every one of them included a bit of wind.
Spokes and Spurs was a particularly auspicious occasion, in that it was the 7th anniversary of my heart attack, to the day. I was blessed to have Coach Jeff, Kristi and Bruce ride with me to commemorate the day. Thanks, I love you all!

I have managed a few runs since running the Cap 10K, so I think as long as I can stay hydrated, I should be able to run a bit better than last year.

The swims have been anywhere from 1000-2600 yards, so while it won't be fast, I feel pretty comfortable about the distance. Again, with winds, that could all change. 
So it comes down to this... here we are again at Lone Star 70.3 !
Once again, I am only competing with myself, but I have had a number of friends step up and offer to write a check to AHA for a little more if I manage to meet my goal. And as nice as that sounds, I will, as always, be happy to finish...happier still if I can collect those checks!

Once I got down to Galveston, I wanted to get the bike dialed in, so I switched to the HED 88s and headed for Seawall Blvd, since that is where we will ride Sunday. Rolling along the beachfront, I could feel the cross winds blowing against the deep-dish wheels, but it was manageable. So I think the plan is to put the 88s on the bike, and if it is windy Sunday morning when I get to transition, switch to the 58 on the front. That would give me a bit more control.

Tomorrow i am going to get up and go spectate the Sprint, which is the race in which I was actually supposed to participate last year... isn't it funny how much better He works things out differently than we mere mortals plan them?

I am excited to do this race again. It definitely is the kick-start to the tri season for me, and commences the long triathlon road to Ironman Florida. So I look at Sunday as just a long training day. I think I have remembered everything from last year, so as long as everything goes well, it will be a great event.

I have a few friends also participating this time around, most of them for the first time at this distance, so regardless of who finishes first, it will be exciting to see them at the finish.

So - hopefully the Cardiac Ironman jersey will be seen crossing the finish line vertically, and still able to celebrate. That's the plan, anyway...


  1. Awwww! It is so sad to read this now! "so as long as everything goes well, it will be a great event."

    I'm so proud of how tough you were. I will swear up and down that getting those shots in your lip HAD to be more painful than finishing that race. You are my hero!

  2. Yeah, I kinda missed it on this one, didn't I? The pain from those shots ranked right up there with not being able to finish the race!
    Thanks, Cort.
