Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Taper Week

Give it all you've got because you never know if there's going to be a next time.

Well, I can't believe I am in a position to say this, but I am actually officially in a "taper" week for the first time in my life. One of the key points in training for big sporting events is that you have to include some down-time in the days leading up to the event. I mean, come on, if you are not ready a week before the event, do you really think a few more days of training is going to change your capability that much? But it is a weird feeling for me. I keep thinking I need to be running, or biking, or SOMETHING! But I do have the swim class tonight, and a short run tomorrow night, although I am not planning on pushing too hard either night... that will start next week, post-half-marathon, when the training for LoneStar 70.3 really cranks up. I will likely do some walking Saturday just to keep loose.
My story hit the front page of the USA Triathlon website yesterday. I didn't realize it until I got an email from another survivor. That is so cool about this...there are so many people out there who have lived through cardiac events like mine, and are now participating in triathlons, or big run events. I am very appreciative and grateful for their support and acknowledgment of this fight.
Check back Monday or so, after I run the half-marathon, and see how that went. Thanks for YOUR support.

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