Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 "Racing" Season comes to an end

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. -- Jim Rohn

OK, the last 5K of my year is in the books... does that sound as odd to you as it does to me? A year ago, I would NEVER have thought I would be saying something like that. Heck, after our Tahoe ride in June 2009, I joked with Gary Holliday and Briana about how crazy the notion was of me even running. We were talking about the Team In Training's Triple Crown, where you complete a century ride, a run event and a triathlon event... I said blatantly "Not me - no way, no how!" Friends, NEVER say "never"!
So, after all that being said, I ran my 5th 5K run in 32 days. The Zilker Tree 5K is apparently the replacement for the Trail of Lights run, which obviously ended when the city of Austin canceled the Trail of Lights. There are a couple of hills in the park run, which I decided I would walk rather than attempt to run up. But even with that I managed a 32:03 for a 10:10-per-mile average, so I was very happy with that. Not a bad effort for a post-Christmas-eating run.
Another opportunity to continue the validation of the recovery drinking of the Athletes HoneyMilk, since they were a run sponsor this time around. This stuff is really working for me as a post-run recovery. I rotate through the 4 flavors as a test after the run workouts, and I don't have the day-after pain as I did before. I think the HoneyMilk is going to be my post-run salvation for the next 11 months. Since I do most of my workouts after work at night, on the shorter runs I have used the drink as a meal substitution, and it helps that I don't have a lot of food in my stomach all night. So I am excited that I have this part of the nutrition figured out.

So, it is on to next year - lots of running, biking and swimming! Yippee! - I think...

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