Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Season for training, for family, for sharing...

You must give some time to your fellow men. Even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it. - Albert Schweitzer

The running continues... on the 13th, I ran 7 miles on the treadmill; on the 20th, an 8-mile "adventure"; last night was 3.4 miles out on the streets in the neighborhood. I am definitely slower on the road than on the treadmill. The next few days will include another short run through the 'hood, the Zilker 5K the day after Christmas, and hopefully some bike time. The city parks/rec folks sent out an email about a tri-prep swim class on Wednesday nights that I am going to check into. 
I still have some nutrition stuff to figure out... since the Project Overflow 5K, I have been using the Athlete's HoneyMilk as a post-workout recovery drink, and I think it is helping quite a bit. In previous training, I would drink chocolate milk (or Coke; or both) but the HoneyMilk has a load of carbs AND protein in it. I haven't felt the post-event soreness I used to, so I think I have THAT component going right. Next is the Infinit for the ride, and I will get that ordered next week to try that out.
Last Friday, we celebrated our now-kind-of-an-Aggie's first semester of grad school, and in that discussion the decision was made to make the return trip to the Triple Bypass ride in 2013. So already the future is being laid out before me. It is funny to me though that I can actually plan something that far out. 
Another bit of information in that talk over beers (carb-loading, coach... carb-loading) was that one of my charities will likely be not supported by the city, so I am pretty well just going to commit to the American Heart Association at this point. If the focus changes to a different cardiac-related charity, I will make that adjustment later.
After serving dinner at the children's hospital last week, I get to help serve at a cafe in Georgetown on Christmas morning. And the lady in my work office that coordinated our adopted Christmas family reported back that the mother and daughters were so super-excited about Christmas with the stuff we provided. So - a good Christmas season, and what a great privilege to be part of those smiles... 
Merry Christmas, everybody! Remember - it is all for the love of One.

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