Monday, December 13, 2010

It isn't ALWAYS about you!

Our friends should be companions who inspire us, who help us rise to our best.   -- Joseph B. Wirthlin 

Saturday was the Project Overflow 5K. This is a first-time event put on by a great lady who I have come to know through another friendship. Cortney attends the same church as Briana, and she has taken up a more active lifestyle to get into a more healthy lifestyle. Cortney is also a force to be reckoned with, in that she is ALWAYS involved. She is active as a leader in her church, is a leader and positive role model to the youth, is committed to her exercise ethic, is focused on her service working for a national charity, and gives continually of her time to any number of beneficiaries. This run was conceived to help Cortney's youth group raise funds to pay for the drilling of a fresh-water well in Africa, to supply drinking water to thousands.
The run was held in Old Settlers Park in Round Rock. The run itself was mostly over turf, though some was along a paved path and other spots were loose gravel. I am definitely not a fan of this kind of running surface (which is funny in itself that I can even say that!) My concern is that I not slip or twist an ankle, so I was probably over-cautious throughout the run. Another issue for me was that at about 2 miles into the run, a volunteer pointed a number of us in the wrong direction. I admit I got a bit frustrated with that when a second volunteer caught up with us on his bicycle and turned us around. Once that happened, I decided that whenever I came up on more loose turf or gravel, I was walking.
So, the time of the run was nothing to write home about. And the course was actually less than a 5K. But Cortney and her crew made a good effort, and about 100 people were registered. One of the family photographers actually got a decent picture of me, so I finally have a running pic where I don't look wasted. And another benefit: I had talked to the Athletes HoneyMilk folks about some sponsorship. HoneyMilk is a recovery drink. They had sent me 2 12-packs to try out and give them some feedback. Cortney had managed to get some of this stuff provided in the runner packets and had some at the finish line, so I was able to try it out without cutting into my own supply. I drank a chocolate (they have vanilla, honey and coffee as well), and it was really smooth, no grit or chalky taste like a lot of others. It will be good to try after longer runs, so I am looking forward to the test. I want to see what the difference is if it is cold, too.
Well, on to the next 5K, the day after Christmas. But lots of training miles before then. 
See ya, and Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. YOU are the force to be reckoned with! Not me! :)

    I think Athlete's Honey Milk is MUCH better cold. I love it after it's been in the freezer for about 20 minutes. I tried the new Strawberry Banana at the Austin Expo and it's AMAZING!
